Now Offering PCR Testing for Urinary Tract Infections


Information About Treatments Services

Kasraeian Urology offers a number of urological treatments designed to treat various conditions. Dr. Ali Kasraeian and Dr. Ahmad Kasraeian are extremely experienced in performing these procedures, which include shockwave therapy, aquablation therapy, PCR testing, and HIFU. We invite prospective patients in Jacksonville, FL to call our office today and schedule a consultation to discover which of our state-of-the-art treatments could work for them.

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Aquablation therapy is a new type of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) performed by our Jacksonville, FL urologist.

Shockwave therapy is a new, groundbreaking way to resolve erectile dysfunction without the need for drugs, needles, or unwanted side effects.

While traditional UTI tests can take up to a week, PCR testing is an even more accurate alternative that can be completed on the exact same day.

HIFU is a minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment that uses highly focused sound-wave energy to effectively and precisely target cancer cells.

UroLift® treatments with our Jacksonville, FL team can be effective in treating symptoms of an enlarged prostate when other therapies have not helped.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.