Overactive Bladder? InterStim May Be Right for You
Overactive Bladder (OAB) is a sudden and involuntary contraction of the bladder causing urinary urgency. Over 33 million Americans have this condition, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, though many people are embarrassed to discuss their condition with their healthcare providers. There is no reason to be embarrassed and OAB is very treatable, especially for those under the care of a urologist. There are many treatment options available, and one of the newest and most effective ones is InterStim Therapy.
InterStim Therapy
OAB occurs when the nerves responsible for urinary function, the sacral nerves, are not communicating well with the brain, which sends mixed signals to the bladder. InterStim Therapy helps the sacral nerves better communicate with the brain, which decreases the symptoms of OAB. With InterStim Therapy, a small implant is placed near the tailbone and sends mild electrical pulses to the sacral nerves, which reduces urinary urgency.
This treatment option is reserved for cases of severe OAB that have not responded well to other types of treatment. This includes those how have experienced significant OAB symptoms over a long period of time and those who have tried all other options but have not found relief.
What to Expect
One of the great features of InterStim Therapy is that you can try it on a trial basis for up to a week using a devise that is worn outside of the body. When the trial period is over, you and your doctor may decide that this is the right treatment for your OAB and a permanent implant is placed during a minimally invasive outpatient procedure.
Using a wireless controller or smartphone, you can increase or decrease the stimulation within the parameters set by your urologist. You can also turn the system off completely if you choose to do so. The InterStim Therapy will require follow-up appointments every 6 to 12 months to assure that it is working properly and to adjust parameters if needed.
Great Results
InterStim Therapy has been proven to provide short and long term relief for OBI, with 85% of patients achieving successful symptom relief within the first year of use. Additional studies have shown that this treatment is effective over longer periods of time and no notable side effects.
Talk to Us to Learn More
The physicians of Kasraeian Urology are experts at treating female and male urology conditions and offer wide range of treatment options. We are excited that we can now offer InterStim Therapy to our patients as one of those options. If you are suffering from OAB and are seeking relief, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our three convenient locations.