The Many Benefits of an MRI Fusion Biopsy
Early diagnosis of prostate cancer can mean less-intrusive treatments and improved outcomes for men. One indicator of prostate cancer is high levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, found during a blood test. Once high PSA levels are found, the next step in the treatment process is often to conduct a biopsy.
What is an MRI Fusion Biopsy?
During a traditional prostate biopsy, the physician uses ultrasound to locate abnormal areas in the prostate and a core needle to take samples. While this can be effective, sometimes the test results show that no cancer is present but a man still experiences high PSA levels. In this situation, a physician may use an MRI Fusion biopsy technique to get a more complete picture of the prostate and obtain targeted tissue samples.
An MRI Fusion biopsy uses both an MRI test and ultrasound to provide a more complete image of the prostate. The MRI is able to identify abnormal areas of the prostate that are usually not detected by ultrasound alone. Once the abnormalities are located, the MRI is used as a guide to performing an ultrasound and biopsy at the same time. These combined imaging sources allows doctors to adjust angles or slightly move the probe to obtain tissue samples.
Benefits of using the MRI Fusion Biopsy Technique
There are many advantages to using this procedure over the standard biopsy process. The MRI Fusion biopsy:
• Identifies and locates hidden tumors missed by traditional biopsies;
• Increases the diagnosis of high-risk prostate cancer by 30%;
• Decrease the overtreatment of clinically insignificant prostate cancers;
• Enhances visualization of tumors within the prostate, detailing the exact size and location of abnormal tissue and tumors;
• Provides a 3D map of the prostate, which allows for targeted biopsies and improved sampling that results in more accurate diagnosis; and
• Allows doctors to retrieve a record of previous biopsy sites to allow the urologist to return to those exact areas for follow-up or additional testing.
Ultimately, the MRI Fusion biopsy delivers a live 3D ultrasound and MRI images that prove more accurate staging and diagnosis information. Using this data, the physician can develop a more effective cancer treatment and management plan than is possible using only ultrasound.
At Kasraein Urology, Dr. Ali has performed over 700 MRI Fusion Biopsy procedures since 2014, making him one of the most experienced small practice physicians in the state. Having completed over 700 of these procedures, he has the expertise to deliver the best diagnostic and treatment outcomes for our patients. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about this procedure or any of our services.