Now Offering PCR Testing for Urinary Tract Infections

Do I Have Prostatitis or a UTI?

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Prostatitis and urinary tract infections (UTIs) share many of the same symptoms, which can make it difficult to understand which condition you may have. In fact, some forms of prostatitis are actually caused by a UTI. Whether a man is experiencing symptoms related to a UTI or prostatitis, it is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis so that appropriate treatment can be administered, further complications can be avoided, and the patient can get relief from their discomfort. At Kasraeian Urology in Jacksonville, FL, board-certified urologists Dr. Ahmad Kasraeian and Dr. Ali Kasraeian understand the complex nature of urinary tract conditions – including UTI and prostatitis – and utilize the most current and accurate diagnostic tools available to determine the cause of a patient’s symptom and identify the most appropriate course of action. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the basics regarding prostatitis vs. UTI, including how a patient’s symptoms may differ and when (and why) treatment may be necessary.

What is prostatitis?

Generally speaking, prostatitis refers to inflammation of the male prostate gland. There are four types of prostatitis, each of which has its own unique set of characteristics, symptomatology, and risk factors:

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis: a serious infection of the prostate gland caused by bacteria in the urinary tract
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis: a less severe infection compared to acute bacterial prostatitis, though symptoms can last for many months or even come and go
  • Chronic prostatitis (chronic pelvic pain syndrome): prostatitis that is not caused by an active infection
  • Asymptomatic prostatitis: an inflammation of the prostate that does not cause symptoms

Is prostatitis the same as a UTI?

Bacterial prostatitis is not the same as a urinary tract infection, though it is closely related. When the bacteria that is causing a UTI migrates through the urinary tract and reaches the prostate gland, it can cause acute bacterial prostatitis, a condition that requires immediate treatment.

How do I know if I have a UTI or prostatitis?

Because prostatitis is caused by an infection in the urinary tract, it shares many of the same symptoms of a UTI, including:

  • Burning on urination
  • Painful urination
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Cloudy urine

While it can be extremely difficult to tell whether you have a UTI or prostatitis without professional diagnostic testing, there are a few signs and symptoms that may make prostatitis the more likely culprit. These include pain and pressure in the perineum, high fever, and an elevated PSA.

Do I need to see a doctor for prostatitis?

If you suspect that you may have prostatitis or a UTI, it is important to seek evaluation and care to get relief from painful symptoms and to prevent the worsening of your condition. This is particularly important in the case of acute bacterial prostatitis, which can lead to life-threatening sepsis if left untreated.

To diagnose your condition, Dr. Kasraeian may utilize one or more of the following:

  • Urinalysis
  • Urine culture
  • PCR urine test
  • Digital rectal exam (DRE)
  • PSA test
  • Imaging studies

Based on the results of the evaluation, Dr. Kasraeian will begin the most appropriate course of treatment, which may include oral antibiotics, IV antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, alpha-blockers, and others. With an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment, our team can help you feel like yourself again as soon as possible and educate you on ways to avoid future episodes of prostatitis or urinary tract infection.

Suspect that you may have prostatitis? Get relief from your symptoms ASAP with a board-certified urologist in Jacksonville, FL

Infections in the urinary tract can be disruptive, uncomfortable, and even dangerous. If you think your symptoms may be related to a UTI or prostatitis, call today to schedule your consultation in Jacksonville, FL with either of our board-certified urologists, Drs. Ahmad and Ali Kasraeian.

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