What Every Man Should Know About Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is no one's favorite topic of discussion, but it is one that every man should know at least something about. More specifically, men should have a good understanding of the risk factors and causes of ED, when to see a doctor for ED, and how ED can be treated. With this knowledge, you can be proactive about managing your sexual health and maintain better quality erections as consistently as possible. Keep reading for important information from Jacksonville, FL board-certified urologists Dr. Ahmad Kasraeian and Dr. Ali Kasraeian of Kasraeian Urology on what men should know about ED, including answers to the questions above — and more.
When do I need to start worrying about ED?
We encourage patients not to "worry" about ED but, instead, to ensure they are as informed and prepared as possible so that they know what to do if they begin experiencing problems with erections. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong age to start thinking about ED, as problems with erections can occur in men of almost any age. Whether you're 25 or 65 — and whether you've already experienced ED symptoms or not — here are answers to some of the most important must-know questions about ED for men:
Can you get ED in your 20s?
Again, men can get ED and/or experience difficulty with erections at almost any age. Regardless of your age, be sure to report any changes in your erections or sexual health to your doctor.
What causes ED?
There are many different potential causes of ED, with most men having more than one factor contributing to their erectile issues. Some of the most common causes of ED in men include:
- Age
- Hormone changes (low testosterone, andropause)
- Related health conditions, including hypertension and diabetes
- Obesity
- Heart disease
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Psychological distress or emotional trauma
Many of these ED causes overlap with risk factors for ED — both of which can be mitigated or reduced with various risk reduction strategies, including lifestyle modifications.
How can I prevent ED?
While it may not be possible to avoid ED altogether, there are certainly some things you can do to delay the onset of ED and reduce the severity of ED symptoms you may develop. Some of the most effective ED risk reduction strategies include:
- Dietary modification
- Losing weight (if you are overweight)
- Staying physically active
- Quitting smoking
- Reducing alcohol intake
- Treating underlying health conditions that contribute to ED symptoms
When do I need to see a doctor if I can't get an erection?
Another important thing to know about ED is that one-time difficulty with erections can happen and be considered normal — like in situations of excessive drinking or acute emotional stress — but recurrent or progressive signs of ED should be reported to your doctor and formally evaluated. Even an isolated episode of problems achieving an erection can still be reported, and our urologists can determine, based on your experience, health history, risk factors, and other variables, if you may need a formal evaluation for ED. The earlier ED is diagnosed and addressed, the higher the chances that patients will have success with treatment and — in many cases — progression of symptoms can be slowed.
How is ED treated?
Dr. Kasraeian evaluates each patient as an individual and will conduct a thorough evaluation and consultation before developing a personalized ED treatment plan. In addition to the risk reduction measures mentioned above, we may also recommend one or more of the following ED treatment options:
- Oral medications
- Penile injections
- Vacuum constrictor device
- Penile implant
- Shockwave therapy for ED
With a healthy overall lifestyle — paired with our advanced ED treatment options — you can maintain better sexual health and satisfaction for longer.
Struggling with erections? Explore our advanced ED treatment options in Jacksonville, FL
If you're looking for ways to maintain erectile function for as long as possible or are hoping to restore sexual function that's been compromised, we can help. To learn more about our comprehensive approach to ED treatment and management, call our friendly team at Kasraeian Urology in Jacksonville, FL to schedule your private consultation with either of our board-certified urologists, Dr. Ahmad Kasraeian or Dr. Ali Kasraeian, today.