Is It Safe To Take Erectile Dysfunction Meds with Blood Pressure Medication?
High blood pressure and erectile dysfunction are closely linked. Not only is high blood pressure one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction, but medications meant to treat one condition can adversely impact the other. For this reason, it is important that patients with hypertension consult their physician regarding the safest and most appropriate ED treatment option for them. At Kasraeian Urology, board-certified Jacksonville, FL urologists Dr. Ahmad Kasraeian and Dr. Ali Kasraeian offer a number of effective solutions for safely treating erectile dysfunction in men with hypertension. Keep reading to learn more about which blood pressure drugs may interact with ED medications, and find out what alternative treatment options you may have.
Does high blood pressure cause ED?
High blood pressure – formally known as hypertension – is characterized by a narrowing or constricting of blood vessels. This often results in reduced blood flow to the penis, which can severely compromise a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection. In fact, hypertension is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Additional risk factors for ED include:
- Age
- Low testosterone
- Obesity
- Elevated cholesterol
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Previous treatment for BPH and/or prostate cancer
- Anxiety or depression
- Drug use
- Alcohol use
Can you take ED medications with high blood pressure?
Generally speaking, popular ED medications – like the phosphodiesterase inhibitors Viagra and Cialis – can be safely taken by patients who have high blood pressure. However, patients who are taking certain blood pressure medications may not be eligible to take oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors due to a potentially serious and even life-threatening drug interaction. In particular, nitrates and alpha-blockers can cause dangerous complications when combined with certain ED medications. Because these are not the only drug classes that can negatively interact with ED medications, it is essential that patients consult their physician before starting or altering any prescription drugs.
What happens if you take Viagra with blood pressure medicine?
Blood pressure medications, like alpha-blockers and nitrates, work to increase blood flow and lower the patient’s blood pressure. Because phosphodiesterase inhibitors also dilate the blood vessels and increase blood flow, taking these medications in conjunction with alpha-blockers and nitrates can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. In mild cases, patients may feel dizzy or light-headed, while a more serious interaction can lead to passing out. In the most severe cases, patients may experience a life-threatening or even fatal drop in blood pressure.
What ED treatment options do I have if I’m on blood pressure medication?
Patients whose blood pressure medications render them ineligible for oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors should be encouraged by the wide range of alternative ED treatments available today. Based on the patient’s symptoms, causes of ED, current list of medications, underlying conditions, overall health, and other factors, Dr. Kasraeian may recommend one or more of the following as an alternative to oral ED medications:
- Shockwave therapy
- Vacuum constrictor device
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Behavioral therapy
Even with hypertension, men with ED can enjoy improved erections in Jacksonville, FL
Don’t be discouraged by the fact that your blood pressure medications prohibit you from taking Viagra or another oral ED medication. With the wide array of cutting-edge ED treatments and procedures available at Kasraeian Urology in Jacksonville, FL, a more enjoyable sex life is possible for virtually everyone, regardless of their underlying conditions or other medications. To learn more about your options for ED treatment with hypertension, call today to schedule your private consultation with board-certified urologists Drs. Ahmad and Ali Kasraeian.